All Lab Tests Information and Test Rates:

Test codeTest nameTest specimenReporting timeTest charges
230​17-Ketosteroids3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1650
642​17-OHCS (17-Hydroxycorticosteroids) 24 Hours UrineUrineAfter 10 day(s)2200
270​24 Hours Urinary Protein [24HUP]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1100
474​24 Hrs. Urine for Porphobilinogen (UPBG)UrineAfter 10 day(s)2200
185​25-OH Vitamin-D3 [VD]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)2650
644​5-HIAA (5-Hydroxyindoleacetic Acid) 24 Hours UrineUrineAfter 10 day(s)2200
645​5-Nucleotidase Level3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)650
63​A/G Ratio [Albumin Globuline Ratio] [AVG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)750
410​Abdominal Fluid For AFB STAIN /ZN STAINAbdominal FluidAfter 30 hour(s)550
409​Abdominal Fluid For C/EAbdominal FluidAfter 30 hour(s)1100
411​Abdominal Fluid For C/SAbdominal FluidAfter 10 day(s)1100
412​Abdominal Fluid For GRAM STAINAbdominal FluidAfter 30 hour(s)550
646​Abnormal Hb Quantitation3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1000
413​Absolute Neutrophil Count3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)300
650​Acanthamoeba Keratitis (Conjuctive)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)900
651​Acetone (Ketones)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)550
652​Acetone (Urine)UrineAfter 3 day(s)550
653​Acid Fast Bacilli3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)350
654​Acid Fast Bacilli For Culture and Sensitivity3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 4 day(s)1650
93​Acid Phosphatase3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1650
187​ACTH3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)2200
656​Adrenaline3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1650
657​Agglutination Test Brucellosis Antibodies Titre3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1350
658​Alanine Amino Transferase (GPT)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)450
659​Albumin (24 Hours Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)550
60​Albumin [ALB]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)450
414​Albumin FluidFluidAfter 30 hour(s)450
660​Albumin Globulin Ratio (24 Hours Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)650
188​Aldolase [ALD]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)550
232​Aldosterone3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2200
58​Alkaline Phosphatase [ALK]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
661​Alkaline Phosphatase Stain3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
662​Allergy Profile3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)3300
663​Alpha Anti Trypsin (Blood)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1550
113​Alpha FetoProtein (AFP)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
664​Alpha-1-Antitrypsin3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1550
665​Aminolevulinic Acid (ALA), (24 Hours Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)900
666​Amminophyline3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1100
415​Ammonia3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
667​Amoeba3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)350
668​Amoebic Antibodies3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)900
669​Amorphous3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)100
670​Amphetamine3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1350
114​Amylase (AMY)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)900
416​Amylase (Urine 24 Hrs)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1650
39​ANA [ANA SCR]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1300
417​ANA Quantitative3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
419​ANAC - C3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)3850
673​Anaemia Absolute Values3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
420​ANCA - P3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)2200
636​ANCA-C3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)2200
674​ANCA-C IgG3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
675​ANCA-C IgM3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
262​Androgen Level [AL]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)2200
421​ANF (Atrial Natriuretic Factor)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1200
619​Anomaly Scan Detailed Congental [Ultra}NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2750
677​Anti Avain Antigen3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
679​Anti B2-Glycoprotein 1 IgG3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
680​Anti B2-Glycoprotein 1 IgG+IgM)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)3300
678​Anti B2-Glycoprotein 1 Screen3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
199​Anti Cardiolipin Antibodies IgG [ACLG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 5 day(s)1650
116​Anti Cardiolipin Antibodies IgM [ACLM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1650
115​Anti CCP Antibodies [ACCP]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
681​Anti Centromere-B3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
682​Anti D Antibodies Titre3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1350
683​Anti Delta Antibody3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
268​Anti Double Stranded [DNA]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 4 day(s)1650
237​Anti DS DNA3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 4 day(s)1650
399​Anti Endomysial IgA3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
422​Anti Endomysial IgG3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
686​Anti Gluten Antibodies3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
559​Anti Hbe Antibody3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
117​Anti Hbe Antigen3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
265​Anti HBs/Anti HBV [AHBS / AHBV]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
21​Anti Hcv (Screening) [HCVD]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
23​Anti Hcv By Elisa [HCVE]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2000
118​Anti HDV3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
425​Anti Hep. B core IgG [HBCG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
426​Anti Hep. B core IgM [HBCM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
851​Anti Hep. B core Total3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
119​Anti HEV Antibodies [IgG , IgM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)3300
363​Anti HEV Antibodies IgG [HEVG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
365​Anti HEV Antibodies IgM [HEVM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
687​ANTI HISTONE3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
688​ANTI HSV IgG3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
689​ANTI HSV IgM3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
690​ANTI KIDNEY LIVER MICROSOMAL ANTIBODIES (KLM)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
614​Anti LKM-13-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2750
691​ANTI MEASLES VIRUS (IgG)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
692​ANTI MEASLES VIRUS (Igm)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
602​Anti Microsomal Ab3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1900
833​Anti Mitochondrial Antibody (AMA)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 4 day(s)2450
256​Anti Mullerian Hormone (AMH)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)5500
693​ANTI MUMP VIRUS (IgG)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
694​ANTI MUMP VIRUS (IgM)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)3000
695​ANTI NUCLEOSOME (LUPUS ANTIBODIES)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
696​Anti Reticular Antibodies3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
697​Anti RNP/Sm3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
698​Anti SCL-303-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
699​Anti SCL-603-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
700​Anti Scl-703-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
582​Anti Smooth Muscle Antibodies (ASMA)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)3300
701​ANTI SPERM ANTIBODIES (SEMEN)SemenAfter 30 hour(s)2200
702​ANTI SPERM ANTIBODIES (SERUM)SemenAfter 30 hour(s)2200
703​Anti SS-A(RO)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
704​Anti SS-B(LA)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
705​Anti Thrombin lll Plasma3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
607​Anti Thyroid Antibody [ATA]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)2200
120​Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgA [TGA]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 48 hour(s)1650
121​Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgG [TGG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 48 hour(s)1650
122​Anti Tissue Transglutaminase IgM [TGM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
707​ANTI VARICELLA-ZOSTER VIRUS IgG (CHICKEN POX)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
708​ANTI VARICELLA-ZOSTER VIRUS IgM (CHICKEN POX)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
423​Anti-Gliadin IgA3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
386​Anti-Gliadin IgG3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
424​Anti-Gliadin IgM3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
222​Anti-HAV IgG [HAVG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
223​Anti-HAV IgM [HAVM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
238​Anti-Phospholipid IgG [APLG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
239​Anti-Phospholipid IgM [APLM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
231​Anti-Thyroglobulin TG3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
709​AP Test3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)450
710​APO Lipoprotein A3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1350
711​APO Lipoprotein B3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1350
36​APTT [APTT]Sodium Citrate Tube (PT Vial)After 30 hour(s)550
635​Arterial Doppler Study Of Left Arm/Upper LimbNoneAfter 30 hour(s)4400
632​Arterial Doppler Study Of Left Leg/Lower LimbNoneAfter 30 hour(s)4400
634​Arterial Doppler Study Of Right Arm/Upper LimbNoneAfter 30 hour(s)4400
633​Arterial Doppler Study Of Right Leg/Lower LimbNoneAfter 30 hour(s)4400
603​ASCA3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1650
179​Ascitic Fluid C/EAscitic FluidAfter 10 day(s)2200
574​Ascitic Fluid for AFBAscitic FluidAfter 30 hour(s)0
191​Ascitic Fluid for AFB AmylaseAscitic FluidAfter 10 day(s)1000
189​Ascitic Fluid for AFB CultureAscitic FluidAfter 4 day(s)2750
190​Ascitic Fluid for AFB Smear /ZN STAINAscitic FluidAfter 10 day(s)550
712​Ascitic Fluid For AlbuminAscitic FluidAfter 30 hour(s)550
192​Ascitic Fluid for C/SAscitic FluidAfter 10 day(s)1100
193​Ascitic Fluid for cytologyAscitic FluidAfter 10 day(s)1100
194​Ascitic Fluid for Gram StainAscitic FluidAfter 30 hour(s)450
195​Ascitic Fluid for LDHAscitic FluidAfter 10 day(s)700
196​Ascitic Fluid for Malignant cellAscitic FluidAfter 10 day(s)1100
197​Ascitic Fluid for MTB by PCRAscitic FluidAfter 10 day(s)6600
198​Ascitic Fluid for ProteinAscitic FluidAfter 10 day(s)350
713​ASCITIC FLUID FOR ROUTINE EXAMINATIONAscitic FluidAfter 30 hour(s)1350
388​ASO [Quantitative] [ASOQ]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1450
37​ASO Titre [ASOTI]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
714​Aspergellosis Antibodies3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
715​Aspirate Fluid For CytologyFluid / AspirateAfter 30 hour(s)1100
716​Aspirate Fluid For ZN StainNoneAfter 30 hour(s)550
427​Aspirate For C/S3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1350
717​Atypical Mononuclear CellsNoneAfter 30 hour(s)350
718​Azura Granules (Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)350
719​B-2 Microglobulin3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
720​Bacilluria Gram Stain (Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)350
721​Bacterial Count, UrineUrineAfter 30 hour(s)1100
722​Balantidium coli in StoolStoolAfter 30 hour(s)350
723​Band Cells3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
428​Barbiturates (Urine)UrineAfter 10 day(s)1450
724​Barr Bodies (Buccal Smear)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
725​Basophils3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)100
726​BCR ABL3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
429​Benzodiazepines (Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1450
727​Benzodiazpan (Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1000
728​Beta Galactosidase (Faeces)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)650
729​Beta Glucosidase (Faeces)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)650
123​Beta HCG [BHCG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
124​Bicarbonate [Hco3] [BIC]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
730​Bile3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
590​Bile Acid Fasting3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2000
430​Bile Pigment [BPU]UrineAfter 10 day(s)350
431​Bile SaltUrineAfter 10 day(s)350
731​Bilirubin Aminotic Fluid (Gestation Values)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
87​Biopsy LargeBiopsyAfter 20 day(s)5500
86​Biopsy MediumBiopsyAfter 10 day(s)4400
85​Biopsy SmallBiopsyAfter 10 day(s)3300
732​Blast Cells3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
94​Bleeding Time [BT]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)330
825​Blood C/E [CBCE]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)900
79​Blood Cell Morphology3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 10 day(s)550
83​Blood For Culture & Sensitivity [BCS]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 6 day(s)2200
733​Blood for pH3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
140​Blood glucose Report Fasting & Random3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)110
41​Blood Grouping [BG]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)350
734​Blood Mycobact DNA PCR3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)4400
735​Blood Smear (TROPHOZOITES)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)350
275​Blood Sugar 1 ½ Hr.ABF [1HH]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
274​Blood Sugar 1 Hr.ABF [1H]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
277​Blood Sugar 2 ½Hr.ABF [2HH]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
276​Blood Sugar 2 Hr.ABF [2H]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
14​Blood Sugar 2Hr. After Dinner [2HAD]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
13​Blood Sugar 2Hr. After Lunch [2HAL]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
282​Blood Sugar 2Hr.After Dinner [2HAD]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
281​Blood Sugar 2Hr.After Lunch [2HAL]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
283​Blood Sugar 2Hr.After Meal [2HAM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
593​Blood Sugar Before DInner [BSBD]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
592​Blood Sugar Before Meal [BSBM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
01​Blood Sugar Fasting [F]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
02​Blood Sugar Random [R]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
385​Blood Urea [BU]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
08​Blood Urea Nitrogen [BUN]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)650
432​Bone For C/SBoneAfter 10 day(s)1650
434​Bone Marrow Biopsy (Prodcedure & Reporting)Bone MarrowAfter 10 day(s)5500
433​Bone Marrow Slides For ReviewBone MarrowAfter 10 day(s)5500
356​Bone Profile [Ca++,Alb,Alk,Phos,Protein] [BP]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2000
736​Breast Discharge For C/SMilkAfter 30 hour(s)1650
737​Breast Discharge For CytologyMilkAfter 30 hour(s)1100
738​Breast Discharge For Gram StainMilkAfter 30 hour(s)550
739​Breast Discharge For Routine ExaminationMilkAfter 30 hour(s)1100
358​Breast Milk [Left Side] [MAL]MilkAfter 30 hour(s)550
359​Breast Milk [Right Side] [MAR]MilkAfter 30 hour(s)550
180​Breast Milk Analysis (Both side) [MA]MilkAfter 30 hour(s)1100
201​Breast Milk For Cytology [BMFC]MilkAfter 10 day(s)1100
202​Breast Milk For ZN StainMilkAfter 30 hour(s)440
539​Breast Ultrasonography [USGB]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2750
435​Bronchial Washing Fluid For GRAM STAINBronchial WashingAfter 10 day(s)450
740​Bronchial Washing for AFB SmearBronchial WashingAfter 30 hour(s)550
741​Bronchial Washing For CytologyBronchial WashingAfter 30 hour(s)1100
742​Bronchoscopy Washing For C/SBronchial WashingAfter 30 hour(s)1650
743​Brucella Abortus Antibodies3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1350
744​Brucella Abortus Antibodies Titre3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1350
257​Brucella IgG [BIGG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1300
258​Brucella IgM [BIGM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1300
745​Brucella Melitansis Antibodies3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1320
384​BSF [FG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)100
289​BSR [RG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)100
746​C1 Esterase3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
747​C23-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)900
98​C3 [Blood] [C3]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
299​C43-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
95​CA 125 [CA125]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2400
96​CA 15-33-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2420
240​CA 19-93-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)2400
748​4/1/19723-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
97​Calcitonin Level3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2200
10​Calcium [CA]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)650
749​Calcium (24 Hours Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1100
750​Calcium Unionized3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)900
751​Calculi Analysis (Stone)StoneAfter 30 hour(s)1650
752​Calculi Analysis (Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1650
443​Campatibility Test [CPT]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)3850
753​Candida Albicans Antibody (Serum)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
754​Cannabinoids3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1350
755​Cannabis3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1350
756​Cannabis (Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1350
241​Carbamazepine ( Tegretol )3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 72 hour(s)1650
757​Carbohydrate (Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)550
67​Cardiac Enzymes [CE]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
758​Cardiac Profile3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2750
759​CastsUrineAfter 30 hour(s)100
762​Catecholamines (24 Hours Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)2000
764​CATECHOLAMINES FRACTION DOPAMINE SERUM3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2000
437​Catheter TiP Folleys TiP For C/SUrineAfter 10 day(s)1350
436​Catheter TIP For C/SUrineAfter 10 day(s)1350
766​Catheter Urine Micro and CultureUrineAfter 4 day(s)650
828​CBC DENGUE PM (TLC,HCT,PLT)3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)90
272​CBCP [CBCP]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)300
233​CEA Level [CEA]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
767​CENP-B3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
768​Cervical BiopsyBiopsyAfter 30 hour(s)3300
814​Cervical Spine Extension/Flexion ViewNoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
815​Cervical Spine FL ViewNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
769​Cervical Swab Micro and Culture and SensitivitySwabAfter 4 day(s)1650
771​CH-503-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
772​Charas (Hashshish & Bhang) (Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1000
773​Charcot Leyden Crystals3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)350
774​Chlamydia Antibodies3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
204​Chloride (Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)550
203​Chloride [CHL]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)330
775​Chloride Spot UrineUrineAfter 30 hour(s)550
04​Cholesterol [CH]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
379​Cholesterol [ F ] [CHF]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
776​Cholinesterase3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)800
777​Chylomicrons3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
778​Chymotrypsin3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)250
779​Citrate3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
780​Citrate (24 Hours Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1430
285​CKMB3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1000
69​CK-MB [CKMB]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)750
781​Clot Retraction Time3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
99​Clotting Time [CT]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)330
782​CMV DNA PCR3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 7 day(s)11000
377​CMV IgG (Cytomegalovirus) [CVMG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2200
378​CMV IgM (Cytomegalovirus) [CVMM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2200
783​CO2 (Carbondioxide)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
442​COCAINE (URINE) [CU]UrineAfter 10 day(s)1600
784​Cold Aggs Blood3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
785​Colony Count UrineUrineAfter 30 hour(s)1100
786​Complement (Total)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
787​Complement C33-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
788​Complement C43-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1350
71​Complete Blood Count [CBC]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)550
789​Concentration Method For OVAStoolSame day550
286​Conjugated [CON]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
205​Coomb`s Test ( Direct ) [CTD]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
206​Coomb`s Test ( Indirect ) [IC]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1100
444​Copper (24 hrs Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)2200
790​Copper Spot UrineUrineAfter 30 hour(s)1650
791​Coproporphyrin3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)800
792​Corneal Scrapping For AcanthamoebaSkin ScrapingAfter 30 hour(s)800
793​Corphoporpyrin (Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)900
794​Corprophyrins (Urine 24 hrs)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)900
100​Cortisol3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
795​Cortisol ( Urine )UrineAfter 30 hour(s)2200
445​Cortisol (24 Hrs Urine)UrineAfter 10 day(s)2450
101​Cortisol (AM) [CORTA]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
102​Cortisol [PM] [CORTP]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
797​CORTISOL AFTER DEXAMETHASONE SUPPRESSION (SERUM)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
798​CORTISOL FREE (24 HOURS URINE)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)2200
799​CORTISOL FREE URINEUrineAfter 30 hour(s)2200
800​CORTISOL MORNING SERUM3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
261​Covid IgG [COVG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1900
260​Covid IgM [COVM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1900
259​Covid19 PCR [CPCR]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)5300
234​C-Peptide [F] [CPEP]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)2200
802​C-Peptide UrineUrineAfter 30 hour(s)2000
68​CPK [CPK]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)750
804​Creatine Kinase (CK)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1000
803​Creatine Kinase MB Fraction3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
805​Creatine Phosphokinase (CK)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1000
806​Creatine Phosphokinase MB Isoenzyme3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
807​Creatine Phosphokinase MM Fraction3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
07​Creatinine [SC]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
207​Creatinine ( 24 Hours Urine ) [24HCC]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)660
208​Creatinine ClearanceBlood - UrineAfter 30 hour(s)650
38​CRP Quantitation [CRPQ]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1400
808​Cryoglobulins3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
809​Cryptococcosis antibodies3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
810​Cryptococcosis Antigen CSFCSFAfter 30 hour(s)550
104​CSF For C/ECSFAfter 10 day(s)1100
103​CSF For C/SCSFAfter 10 day(s)1540
105​CSF For CytologyCSFAfter 10 day(s)1100
209​CSF for MTB by PCRCSFAfter 10 day(s)6600
451​CVP TIP For C/SCvp TipAfter 10 day(s)1350
106​Cyclosporine Level3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 10 day(s)4950
355​D. Dimer (FDP) [DD/FDP]Sodium Citrate Tube (PT Vial)After 30 hour(s)1650
107​Dengue NS1 Elisa [DNS/DNS1]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
243​Dengue Virus IgG Elisa [DVGE]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
242​Dengue Virus IgM Elisa [DVME]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
210​DHEA - SO43-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2200
74​DLC [Differential Leucocytes Count] [DLC]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)550
108​e GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
109​Ear Swab For C/S [ESCS]Ear SwabAfter 10 day(s)1450
362​ECG [Bed Case] [ECGB]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
172​ECG [E]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)550
361​ECG After Brisk Walk [EE]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)550
364​ECG ē Magnet [ECGM]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)250
389​ECG Long Strip [ELS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)250
360​ECG Reporting [ER]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)250
328​Echocardiography [ECHO]NoneAfter 5 hour(s)4400
418​ENA Profile3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)6600
211​Eosinophil Count [EC]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)250
75​ESR (ErythrocyteSedimentationRate) [ESR]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)350
110​Estradiol Test [EST]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
235​Estriol3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)2200
111​Estrogen Blood Test [ESTR]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2200
212​F.N.A.C For Block and SlidesBlock and SlidesAfter 10 day(s)4400
213​Fibrinogen ( Factor -1 ) [FIB]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)880
538​Fine Needle Aspiration [FNA]NoneAfter 10 day(s)3300
446​Fluid For ADA [FFA]Any SpecimenAfter 10 day(s)4400
267​Folic Acid [FA]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1300
51​Free T3 [FT3]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
52​Free T4 [FT4]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
48​FSH [Follicle-Stimulating Hormone] [FSH]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
447​Fungus Stain/Fungal SmearBronchial WashingAfter 30 hour(s)650
228​G6PD test3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
66​Gamma GT [GGT]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)650
598​Gastrin Level [GL]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1650
449​Gauze Piece For C/S3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1350
62​Globulin [GLO]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)450
16​Glucose Challenge Test [GCT]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)350
15​Glucose Tolerance Test [GTTG]Blood - UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1000
383​Glucose Tolerance Test [gttp]Blood - UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1200
126​Growth Hormone [GH]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
536​H & E Stain/Cytology [HE]SputumAfter 7 day(s)1100
32​H.Pylori Antibodies [Screening] [HPD]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)900
35​H.Pylori Antibodies Elisa (IgA,IgG,IgM)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)5000
181​H.Pylori Antibodies ELISA IgA (HPIGA)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
183​H.Pylori Antibodies ELISA IgG [HPGE]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
182​H.Pylori Antibodies ELISA IgM [HPME]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
03​Haemoglobin Level [HB]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)250
494​HB Electrophoresis [HBE]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 10 day(s)2750
19​HbA1c [hba1c]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)1450
229​HBeAg3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
20​Hbsag (Screening) [HBVD]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
22​Hbsag by Elisa [HBVE]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
27​Hbv Dna By PCR [Qualitative] [HBVQL]5cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 10 day(s)5500
28​HBV DNA By PCR [Quantitative] [HBVQN]5cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 10 day(s)7700
29​HBV Genotyping by PCR [HBVG]5cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 10 day(s)7700
26​Hcv Genotypes [HCVG]5cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 10 day(s)7700
25​HCV Rna By PCR (Quantitative) [HCVQN]5cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 10 day(s)7700
214​HDL (Cholesterol) [HDL]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
273​Hematology D (wbc hct plt) [HD]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)90
245​Herpes (IgG)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1300
246​Herpes (IgM)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1300
33​HIV [Device] [HIVD]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
34​Hiv Elisa [HIVE]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2000
452​HLA -B273-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)11000
82​HVS For C/S [HCS]Hvs SwabAfter 10 day(s)1450
53​IgA Leval [IGA]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
56​IgE Level [IGE]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
453​IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor-1)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)3850
54​IgG [IGG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
55​IgM Level [IGM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1300
247​Immunoglobulin (IgA)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
248​Immunoglobulin (IgG)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1100
249​Immunoglobulin (IgM)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1100
127​Insulin Level Fasting INS]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2200
858​IRON PROFILE (IRON,TIBC,FERRITIN)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 48 hour(s)3100
215​Joint Fluid For AnalysisJoint FluidAfter 10 day(s)1350
469​Lactate Level [LL]Plasma of Sodium Flouride (Sugar Vial)After 30 hour(s)1650
70​LDH [LDH]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)650
291​LDL3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
269​LE Cell [LEC]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1100
292​LFT (Bili ALT AST ALK) [LFTG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1200
65​LFT (Liver Function Test) [LFT]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1850
49​LH [Luteinizing Hormone] [LH]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
129​Lipase [LIP]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1000
392​Lipid Profile [LP]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2000
395​Lipid Profile Fasting [LPF]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2000
216​Lithium Level [LITH]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 1 day(s)1100
852​Lumbar Spine Extension ViewNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
853​Lumbar Spine Flexion ViewNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
470​Lupus Anticoagulant Abs [LA]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)3850
143​MAGNESIUM [MAG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
866​Malarial Parasite ICT [MP ICT]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)550
174​Malarial Parasite Slide [MPS]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
454​Measels IgG Antibodies3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2000
455​Measels IgM Antibodies3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2000
456​Metanephrines 24 Hrs (Urine)UrineAfter 10 day(s)2000
457​Metanephrines (URINE)UrineAfter 10 day(s)2000
131​Microalbuminuria 24 Hours UrineUrineAfter 30 hour(s)660
130​Microalbuminuria Urine [UMAU/MAU]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)650
84​Milk For C/S [MCS]MilkAfter 10 day(s)1550
458​Morphine Derivatives (Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1550
132​MTB DNA By PCR Qualitative (QLT)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)4950
133​MTB DNA By PCR Quantitative (QNT)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)6600
459​Mycodot IgG Elisa [MDG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 7 day(s)1100
31​Mycodot IgG/IgM [MD/TBD]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)650
460​Mycodot IgM Elisa [MDM}3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 7 day(s)1100
461​NAIL FOR FUNGAL STAIN [NFFS}NailAfter 10 day(s)1100
465​Nasal Secretion C/S (RIGHT)Nasal SecretionAfter 10 day(s)1350
467​Nasal Secretion For AFB Stain/ ZN StainNasal SecretionAfter 10 day(s)450
466​Nasal Secretion For AFB C/SNasal SecretionAfter 10 day(s)3300
647​Osmolality (Serum)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1450
648​Osmolality (Urine)UrineAfter 3 day(s)1450
649​Osmotic Fragility (RBC)5cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 3 day(s)1900
615​Outsourced CT ReprtingNoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
859​Outsourced ECG ReportingNoneAfter 30 hour(s)250
616​Outsourced MRI ReportingNoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
617​Outsourced X-Ray Reporting 1FNoneAfter 30 hour(s)250
618​Outsourced X-Ray Reporting 2FNoneAfter 30 hour(s)450
839​Outsourced X-Ray Reporting 3FNoneAfter 30 hour(s)650
840​Outsourced X-Ray Reporting 4FNoneAfter 30 hour(s)900
836​Oxalate (24 Hours Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1100
537​Pap Smear [PAP]Block and SlidesAfter 3 day(s)1650
217​PAP Smear For CytologyBlock and SlidesAfter 10 day(s)1650
472​Pericardial Fluid For C/SPericordial FluidAfter 10 day(s)1350
471​Pericardial Fluid For AFB Stain/ZN StainPericordial FluidAfter 30 hour(s)450
76​Peripheral Smear/Picture [PSP]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)550
218​Peritoneal Fluid for AnalysisPeritoneal FluidAfter 10 day(s)1350
837​Phosphorous (24 Hours Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1100
12​Phosphorus [PHOS]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
73​Platelets Count [PC]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)350
849​Pleural Fluid C/EFluidAfter 10 day(s)3300
848​Pleural Fluid C/E ē CytologyFluidAfter 10 day(s)3850
540​Pleural Fluid for Analysis [PF]Pleural FluidAfter 10 day(s)2200
850​Pleural Fluid For CytologyFluidAfter 10 day(s)2200
290​Potassium [K]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
176​Pro BNP [PBNP]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2310
827​Pro Insulin Level3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)2200
135​Progesterone Level [PROG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
136​Prolactin Level [PROL]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
473​Propholilinogen (24 Hrs Urine)UrineAfter 10 day(s)1550
220​Protein Creatinine Ratio3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1350
264​Protein Electrophoresis [PE]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2200
11​Prothrombin Time [PT/INR]Sodium Citrate Tube (PT Vial)After 30 hour(s)550
50​PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) [PSAQ/PSA]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
295​PSA [Device] [PSAD]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)800
134​PTH [Parathyroid Hormone] [PTH]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
579​Pus For ADA LevelPusAfter 10 day(s)3300
581​Pus For AFB SmearPusAfter 30 hour(s)550
580​Pus For Biochemistry (TLC,DLC,LDH)PusAfter 10 day(s)1750
81​Pus For C/S [PCS]PusAfter 10 day(s)1450
578​Pus For CytologyPusAfter 10 day(s)1100
401​Quantiferon TB Gold [QTBG]8cc-Lithium Heparin Vial (Two Vials)After 10 day(s)9350
141​RA Factor Quantitative [RAFQ]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1450
78​RBC Morphology [MOR]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)450
288​RBC s Count3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)250
641​Renal Doppler USGNoneAfter 30 hour(s)4400
357​Renal Profile [BUN,BU,SC,Na,K] [RP]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
178​Reticulocytes count [RC]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)330
57​RFT [Renal Function Test] [RFT]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
221​RH Antibodies [RHAT]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 10 day(s)1100
250​Rubella 1gG [RIGG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1100
251​Rubella 1gM [RIGM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1100
09​S. Electrolytes [Na+ K+ Cl-] [SE]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1300
112​S. Ferritin Level [FER]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
244​S.Digoxin Level [DL]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)2000
128​S.Iron [IRON]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)800
296​Salmonella G/M [STD]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)900
137​Semen Analysis Report [SEMENT]SemenAfter 30 hour(s)1350
534​Semen Culture & Sensitivity [SECS]SemenAfter 4 day(s)1450
475​Sequestrum For C/SBoneAfter 10 day(s)1350
186​Serum ACE Level [ACEL]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
655​Serum Acid Phosphatase Prostatic (PAP)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1650
224​SERUM ADA Level (Adenosine Deaminase)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)4400
676​Serum Androstenedione3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
438​Serum Ceruloplasmin3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
770​SERUM CG (CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN INTACT)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
450​Serum Copper3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
801​SERUM CORTISOL3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
811​Serum Cryptococcosis AntigenCSFAfter 30 hour(s)550
266​Serum Folate Level [SFO]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1300
865​Serum GAD65 Antibodies3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)7700
643​SERUM HYDROXYPROGESTERON3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2200
468​Serum Ionized Calcium [SIC]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)650
476​Serum SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin) [SHBG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)2000
18​SGOT [AST]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
17​SGPT [ALT]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
478​Skin Scrapping For Fungal StainSkin ScrapingAfter 30 hour(s)900
477​Skin Scrapping For FungusHairAfter 10 day(s)900
284​Sodium [NA]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
488​Spot Urine for Albumin & Creatinine Ratio [ACR]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1350
490​Spot Urine For Creatinine [SUC]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)650
829​Spot Urine for Porphobilinogen (PBG)UrineAfter 10 day(s)2200
620​Spot Urine for Protein/Creatinine Ratio [SUCP]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1350
489​Spot Urine For Proteinuria [SUP]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)550
533​Spot Urine Ratio [Alb. & Creat.] [SUR]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)1350
479​Sputum For Fungal StainSputumAfter 10 day(s)1100
297​Sputum For AFB [SAFB]SputumAfter 30 hour(s)550
396​Sputum For AFB 2 Times [Z.N.Stain]SputumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
577​Sputum For AFB 3 TimesSputumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
397​Sputum for AFB 3 Times (Z.N.Stain)SputumAfter 30 hour(s)1650
824​Sputum For AFB C/S (AFBCS)SputumAfter 60 day(s)4400
393​Sputum For C/S (SPCS)SputumAfter 4 day(s)1450
394​Sputum For Gene Expert MTB [SGE]SputumAfter 10 day(s)6600
530​Sputum For Gram Staining [SGS]SputumAfter 10 day(s)550
532​Sputum For Malignent Cells [H & E.Stain] [SMC]SputumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
88​Stone Analysis [STON]StoneAfter 10 day(s)2200
173​Stool C/E [ST]StoolAfter 30 hour(s)550
844​Stool C/E 3 Times [ST3]StoolAfter 90 hour(s)1650
813​Stool Clostridium Difficile ToxinStoolAfter 3 day(s)2750
439​Stool for Calprotectin [SCP]StoolAfter 48 hour(s)4400
298​Stool for culture and sensitivity [SCS]StoolAfter 4 day(s)1450
30​Stool for H.Pylori [Device] [SHP]StoolAfter 30 hour(s)1100
175​Stool For Occult Blood (SOB)StoolAfter 30 hour(s)550
832​Stool For Occult Blood 3 Times (SOB3)StoolAfter 30 hour(s)1650
835​Stool For phStoolAfter 30 hour(s)350
610​Stool H. Pylori Antigen (Elisa)StoolAfter 3 day(s)2750
219​Stool Reducing Substances [SRS]StoolAfter 30 hour(s)350
846​Synovial Fluid C/EFluidSame day2750
535​Synovial Fluid C/E ē CytologyPleural FluidAfter 3 day(s)3850
294​Synovial Fluid For C/S3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1450
847​Synovial Fluid For CytologyFluidAfter 10 day(s)1650
562​T. Spot TB Test [TBST]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)8800
44​T3 [T3]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
45​T4 [T4]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
125​Testosterone Free3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
47​Testosterone Level [TESTO]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
812​Throat Swab For C/S [TSCS]Throat SwabAfter 10 day(s)1450
684​Thyroid Antibodies3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)2750
43​Thyroid Function Test (T3,T4,TSH) [TFT]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)3300
685​THYROID PEROXIDASE ANTIBODIES (ANTI - TPO)3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)2750
184​TIBC [TIBC]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)650
253​Torch Profile IgG [TOIGG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)4400
560​Torch Profile IgG, IgM [TOGM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)8800
252​Torch Profile IgM [TOIGM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)4400
59​Total Bilirubin Test [BILI]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
61​Total Protein [TP]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
765​Total Serum Catecholamines3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2000
254​Toxoplasma IgG [TIGG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1100
255​Toxoplasma IgM [TIGM]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1100
144​TPHA [Treponema pallidum hemagglutination] Elisa3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1650
05​Triglyceride [TG]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)650
380​Triglycerides [F] [TGF]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)650
511​Troponin I (Device) [TRPOD]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1100
621​Troponin I (Quantitative) [TROPI]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
145​Troponin T (Device) [TROPT]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1320
46​TSH [TSH]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)1300
569​Ultrasonography OfNoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
570​Ultrasonography Of CDNoneAfter 30 hour(s)3300
820​Ultrasonography Of Obs CDNoneAfter 30 hour(s)3300
376​Ultrasound Abd. & Pelvic Doppler [UAPCD]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)3300
375​Ultrasound Abd. ē PMRV [UPMRV]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2750
402​Ultrasound Abd./Pelvic [USGAP]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
561​Ultrasound Abd.Pre/Post voiding [UPPV]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2750
374​Ultrasound Abdomen & Chest [UAC]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)3300
390​Ultrasound Abdomen [U]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
503​Ultrasound Abdomen C. Doppler [UACD]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)3300
370​Ultrasound Carotid Doppler [UCCD]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)4400
625​Ultrasound Chest (UC)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2750
372​Ultrasound Cranial [USGC]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)3300
529​Ultrasound Inguinoscrotal [UIS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2750
366​Ultrasound KUB [UKUB]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
629​Ultrasound Left Hip Joint (ULHJ)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2750
627​Ultrasound Left Knee Joint (ULKJ)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2750
624​Ultrasound Left Shoulder (ULS)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2750
369​Ultrasound Obs [USGO BM]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)3300
608​Ultrasound Obs [USGO]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
831​Ultrasound Obs DopplerNoneAfter 30 hour(s)3300
368​Ultrasound Obs. (Anomly Scan) [UAS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2750
601​Ultrasound Obs. Doppler [USOD]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)3300
371​Ultrasound of Neck (Thyroid/LN) CD [USGN]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)3300
604​Ultrasound of Neck (Thyroid / LN) GS [USGN]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
842​Ultrasound Of Neck Lymph Node CDNoneAfter 30 minutes3300
841​Ultrasound Of Neck Lymph Nodes GSNoneAfter 30 minutes2200
576​Ultrasound Of Perianal RegionNoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
600​Ultrasound Of Right ShoulderNoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
367​Ultrasound Pelvic [USGP]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
504​Ultrasound Pelvic Doppler [UPCD]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)3300
628​Ultrasound Right Hip Joint (URHJ)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2750
626​Ultrasound Right Knee Joint (URKJNoneAfter 30 hour(s)2750
623​Ultrasound Right Shoulder (URS)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2750
821​Ultrasound Right ThighNoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
373​Ultrasound Scrotal [Testes] CD [USGS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)4400
585​Ultrasound Scrotal [Testes] GS [USGS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2750
287​Unconjugated [UCON]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
838​Urate (24 Hours Urine)UrineAfter 30 hour(s)550
860​Urethral Swab (Discharge) For C/SSwabSame day1650
06​Uric Acid [UA]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
706​Uric Acid Fasting3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
391​Urine C/E Fasting [UCF]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)450
398​Urine C/E, MSU, R/E D/R [UC]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)450
512​Urine Drug Testing (UTLC)UrineAfter 10 day(s)2200
271​Urine For Albumin [UFA]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)450
200​Urine For Bence Jones Protein [UBJP]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)550
80​Urine For Culture & Sensitivity [UCS]UrineAfter 4 day(s)1450
138​Urine For Ovulation TestUrineAfter 30 hour(s)660
40​Urine For Pregnancy Test [UPT] [preg]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)450
177​Urine for Protein [UFP]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)170
817​Urine Reducing Substance [URS]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)350
278​Urine Sugar ½ Hr.ABF [UH]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)100
280​Urine Sugar 1½Hr.ABFUrineAfter 30 hour(s)100
279​Urine Sugar 1Hr.ABF [U1H]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)100
589​Urine sugar 2 Hr ABFUrineAfter 30 hour(s)100
142​Urine sugar Fasting [USF]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)100
594​Urine Sugar Random [USR]UrineAfter 30 hour(s)100
826​Vaginal Swab for Culture SensitivityHvs SwabAfter 4 day(s)1650
263​Valproic Acid Level [VAL]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1100
557​VDRL Elisa [VDRLE]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 10 day(s)1650
42​VDRL Scr [VDRL]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)550
609​Venous Doppler Study Of Left Arm/Upper LimbNoneAfter 30 hour(s)4400
613​Venous Doppler Study Of Left Leg/Lower LimbNoneAfter 30 hour(s)4400
611​Venous Doppler Study Of Right Arm/Upper LimbNoneAfter 30 hour(s)4400
612​Venous Doppler Study Of Right Leg/Lower LimbNoneAfter 30 hour(s)4400
139​Viral Marker(Hepatitis B&C) [HBC]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)880
89​Vitamin B12 [B12]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 3 day(s)1650
91​Vitamin C3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
90​Vitamin E3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)2200
293​VLDL [VLDL]3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 30 hour(s)350
236​VMA (24 Hours Urine) [VMA]UrineAfter 3 day(s)1650
72​WBC [TLC/WBC]3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)550
77​WBC Morphology3cc EDTA BLOOD (CBC VIAL)After 30 hour(s)450
855​X- Ray Both Foot Ap/ObliqueNoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
302​X -RAY Both Hip Joint AP [XBHJ]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
149​X-RAY L.S.Spine Ap/Lat [XLSS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
335​X-Ray (R) Ankle Joint Ap/Lat [XRAJ]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
314​X-Ray [ L ] Clavicle [XLC]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
306​X-Ray [ L ] Elbow Ap/Lat [XLE]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
319​X-Ray [ L ] Foot Ap/Oblique [XLF]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
321​X-Ray [ L ] Foot Esp. Toes [XLFT]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
304​X-Ray [ L ] Heel [XLHE]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
308​X-Ray [ L ] Hip Joint Ap/Lat [XLHJ]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
861​X-Ray [ L ] Hip Joint ApNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
862​X-Ray [ L ] Hip Joint LatNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
492​X-Ray [ L ] Hip Joint+Femur [XLHJF]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
327​X-Ray [ L ] Shoulder Ap [XLS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
334​X-Ray [ L ] Shoulder Ap+Clavicle [XLSC]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
315​X-Ray [ R ] Clavicle [XRC]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
320​X-Ray [ R ] Foot Esp. Toes [XRFT]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
303​X-Ray [ R ] Heel [XRHE]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
309​X-Ray [ R ] Hip Joint [XRHJ]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
558​X-Ray [ R ] Hip Joint Ap/Lat [XRHJAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
493​X-Ray [ R ] Hip Joint+Femur [XRHJF]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
333​X-Ray [ R ] Shoulder AP [XRS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
464​X-Ray [ R ] Shoulder Ap+Clavicle [XLSC]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
300​X-Ray Abdomen [Erect] [XAE]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
166​X-RAY Abdomen PA prone view [XAPV]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
597​X-Ray Abdomen Supine [XAS]NoneAfter 8 hour(s)1100
163​X-RAY Ankle Joint ( AP/Lat View ) [XAJAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
567​X-Ray Ap ViewNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
568​X-Ray Ap/Lat ViewNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
571​X-Ray Ap/ObliqueNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
515​X-Ray Base of Skull Axial View [XBOSA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
816​X-Ray Both Forearm Ap/Lat [XBFA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
566​X-Ray Both Ankle Joint For bone AgeNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
301​X-Ray Both Clavicles [XBC]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
168​X-RAY Both Elbow Joint ( AP, Lat View ) [XBEJ]NoneAfter 8 hour(s)2200
564​X-Ray Both Elbow Joint For bone AgeNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
483​X-Ray Both Femur+Hip Joint [XBF]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
311​X-Ray Both Foot AP [XBFA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
622​X-Ray Both Foot Ap/ObliqueNoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
310​X-Ray Both Foot Esp. Toes [XBFT]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
487​X-Ray Both Foot Lat [XBFL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
486​X-Ray Both Foot Oblique [XBFO]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
330​X-Ray Both Hand Ap [XBH]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
856​X-Ray Both Hand Ap For RicketsNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
854​X-Ray Both Hand Ap/ObliqueNoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
482​X-Ray Both Hand Ap/Oblique [XBH]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
481​X-Ray Both Hand Lat [XBHL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
480​X-Ray Both Hand Oblique [XBHO]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
305​X-Ray Both Heel [XBH]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
510​X-Ray Both Heel Ap/Lat [XBHAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
485​X-Ray Both Hip Joint Ap/Lat [XBHJAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
484​X-Ray Both Hip Joint Lat [XBHL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
496​X-Ray Both Knee Joint Ap [Std}/ Lat [XBKSAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
162​X-RAY Both Knee Joint Ap Std [XBKS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
495​X-RAY Both Knee Joint Ap/Lat [XBNAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
170​X-RAY Both Knee Joint Ap/Lat View [XBKJ]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
565​X-Ray Both Knee Joint For bone AgeNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
225​X-RAY Both Knee Joint Lat View [XBNJAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
345​X-Ray Both Leg [XBL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
518​X-Ray Both Mandible [XBM]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
341​X-Ray Both Mastoid [XBM]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
639​X-Ray Both Patella Axial (Sky Line View)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
156​X-RAY Both Shoulder Ap [XBS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
501​X-Ray Both Wrist AP For Rickets (XBWFR)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
339​X-Ray Both Wrist Ap/Lat [XBWAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
563​X-Ray Both Wrist For bone AgeNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
147​X-RAY Cervical Spine Ap [XCSA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
146​X-RAY Cervical Spine Ap/Lat [XCS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
148​X-RAY Cervical Spine Lat [XCSL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
312​X-Ray Chest [ L ] Lat [XCLL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
313​X-Ray Chest [ R ] Lat [XCRL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
157​X-RAY Chest Ap [XCA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
575​X-Ray Chest Ap For Cardiac Size [XCCS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
522​X-Ray Chest Ap For Left Ribs [XCALR]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
498​X-Ray Chest Ap For Ribs (XCAFR)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
521​X-Ray Chest Ap For Right Ribs [XCARR]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
586​X-Ray Chest Ap Oblique View for RibsNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
822​X-Ray Chest Apico-Lordotic VeiwNoneAfter 2 day(s)1100
500​X-Ray Chest for Left Lower Ribs (XCLLR)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
441​X-RAY Chest For Left Ribs [XCFLR]NoneAfter 8 hour(s)1100
520​X-Ray Chest For Left Upper Ribs [XCFLUR]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
499​X-Ray Chest for Right Lower Ribs (XCRLR)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
440​X-RAY Chest For Right Ribs [XCFRR]NoneAfter 8 hour(s)1100
519​X-Ray Chest For Right Upper Ribs [XCRUR]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
584​X-Ray Chest Left Lat ViewNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
158​X-Ray Chest PA View [X]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
155​X-RAY Clavicle Ap/Lat [XCAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
351​X-Ray Coccyx Spine Ap [XCOA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
350​X-Ray Coccyx Spine Ap/Lat [XCOS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
352​X-Ray Coccyx Spine Lat [XCOL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
505​X-Ray Dorsal Spine Ap [XDSA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
151​X-RAY Dorsal Spine Ap/Lat [XDS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
502​X-Ray Dorsal Spine Lat [XDSL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
316​X-Ray Dorso Lumbar Spine Ap/Lat [XDL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
318​X-Ray Dorso Lumbar Spine Lat [XDLSL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
317​X-Ray Dorso Lumbar.Spine Ap [XDLA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
169​X-RAY ForeArm ( AP, Lat View ) [XFOA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
171​X-RAY KUB View [XKUB]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
337​X-Ray L.S.Spine Ap [XLSA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
843​X-RAY L.S.Spine Ap/Lat (Standing) [XLSSS]NoneSame day2200
863​X-RAY L.S.Spine Flexion/Extension (Standing) [XLFES]NoneSame day2200
338​X-Ray L.S.Spine Lat [XLSL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
307​X-Ray Left Ankle Joint A/L [XLAJ]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
555​X-Ray Left Ankle Joint ApNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
556​X-Ray Left Ankle Joint Lat [XLAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
818​X-Ray Left Arm (XLA)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
547​X-Ray Left Elbow Ap [XLEA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
548​X-Ray Left Elbow Lat [XLEL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
408​X-Ray Left Foot Ap/Lat [XLFAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
322​X-Ray Left Forearm [XLFA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
857​X-Ray Left Forearm Ap/Lat [XLFA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
630​X-Ray Left Hand AP For Bone AgeNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
407​X-Ray Left Hand Ap/Lat [XLHAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
323​X-Ray Left Hand Ap/Oblique [XLH]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
509​X-Ray Left Heel Ap/Lat [XLHAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
325​X-Ray Left Humerus AP [XLH]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
834​X-Ray Left Humerus LAT [XLH]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
551​X-Ray Left Knee Ap [XLKA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
462​X-RAY Left Knee Ap Standing [XLKAS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
507​X-Ray Left Knee AP Standing / Lat [XLKSL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
326​X-Ray Left Knee Joint Ap/lat [XLKJ]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
448​X-Ray Left Knee Joint Ap[Standing]/lat [XLKJ]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
552​X-Ray Left Knee Lat [XLKL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
346​X-Ray Left Leg [XLL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
404​X-Ray Left Lower Leg [XLLL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
517​X-Ray Left Mandible [XLM]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
588​X-Ray Left Mastoid [XLM]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
638​X-Ray Left Patella Axial (Sky Line View)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
526​X-Ray Left Scapula Ap View [XLSCA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
528​X-Ray Left Scapula Ap/LatNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
514​X-Ray Left Shoulder Ap/Lat (XLS)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
573​X-Ray Left Shoulder ObliqueNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
348​X-Ray Left Thigh / Femur [XLT]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
595​X-Ray Left thumb Ap/Lat [XLTAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
541​X-Ray Left Wrist Ap [XLWA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
830​X-Ray Left Wrist AP For RicketsNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
340​X-Ray Left Wrist Ap/Lat [XLW]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
864​X-Ray Left Wrist For Bone AgeNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
544​X-Ray Left Wrist Lat [XLWL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
605​X-Ray Left Wrist Scaphoid viewNoneAfter 10 hour(s)1100
161​X-RAY Lower Leg AP/Lat [XLLAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
381​X-RAY Lumbar Spine ( AP View )NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
150​X-RAY Lumbar Spine [ Lat View ]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
599​X-RAY Lumber Spine PA Prone ViewNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
164​X-RAY Nasal Bone [XNB]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
591​X-Ray Neck AP/Lat [xn]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
382​X-Ray P.N.S [XPNS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
160​X-RAY PelvicNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
343​X-Ray Pelvis Ap [XPA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
583​X-Ray Pelvis+Both Hip joint ApNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
553​X-Ray Right Ankle Joint ApNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
554​X-Ray Right Ankle Joint LatNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
819​X-Ray Right Arm (XRA)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
545​X-Ray Right Elbow Ap [XREA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
336​X-Ray Right Elbow Ap/Lat [XRE]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
546​X-Ray Right Elbow Lat [XRELNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
400​X-Ray Right Foot Ap/Lat [XRFAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
332​X-Ray Right Foot Ap/Oblique [XRF]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
329​X-Ray Right Forearm [XRFA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
631​X-Ray Right Hand AP For Bone AgeNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
406​X-Ray Right Hand Ap/Lat [XRHAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
324​X-Ray Right Hand Ap/Oblique [XRH]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
508​X-Ray Right Heel Ap/Lat [XRHAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
331​X-Ray Right Humerus Ap [XRH]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
167​X-RAY Right Humerus AP View [XRHM]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
640​X-Ray Right Humerus Lat [XRH]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
506​X-Ray Right Knee (STD) Lat [XRKSL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
497​X-Ray Right Knee Ap (Standing) / Lat. [XRKSAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
549​X-Ray Right Knee Ap [XRKA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
463​X-RAY Right Knee Ap Standing [XRKAS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
387​X-Ray Right Knee Joint Ap/Lat [XRKJ]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
550​X-Ray Right Knee Lat [XRKL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
344​X-Ray Right Leg [XRL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
403​X-Ray Right Lower Leg [XRLL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
516​X-Ray Right Mandible [XRM]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)11000
587​X-Ray Right Mastoid [XRM]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
637​X-Ray Right Patella Axial (Sky Line View)NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
525​X-Ray Right Scapula Ap View [XRSCA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
527​X-Ray Right Scapula Ap/LatNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
513​X-Ray Right Shoulder Ap/LatNoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
572​X-Ray Right Shoulder ObliqueNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
845​X-Ray Right Thigh / Femur [XRFAPLAT]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
347​X-Ray Right Thigh / Femur [XRT]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
596​X-Ray Right thumb Ap/Lat [XRTAL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
542​X-Ray Right Wrist Ap [XRWA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
405​X-Ray Right Wrist Ap/Lat [XRW]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
543​X-Ray Right Wrist Lat [XRWL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
606​X-Ray Right Wrist Scaphoid viewNoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
354​X-Ray Sacrococcyx Spine Ap [XSCA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
491​X-Ray Sacrococcyx Spine Ap/Lat [XSCS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
353​X-Ray Sacrococcyx Spine Lat [XSCL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
153​X-RAY Skull Ap [XSKA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
152​X-RAY Skull Ap/Lat [XSK]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
154​X-RAY Skull Lat [XSKL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
342​X-Ray Soft Tissue Neck Lat [Nasopharynx] [XSTN]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
524​X-Ray Sternum Lat [XSL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
523​X-Ray Sternum PA [XSP]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
349​X-Ray Thoracic Spine Ap [XTSA]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
226​X-RAY Thoracic Spine Ap/Lat [XTS]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)2200
227​X-RAY Thoracic Spine Lat View [XTSL]NoneAfter 30 hour(s)1100
92​Zinc Level3-5cc Clotted Blood or SerumAfter 20 day(s)1650